We need less "yes people" in our lives and more people who will tell us they love us but our hearts are wrong. You can feel good for the moment, or you can be free forever. You decide. ~ Adrienne Ross
Adrienne ross
-Host of The Adrienne Ross Show
Adrienne Ross is an author, columnist, editor, speaker, and former teacher and coach. She spent her career in education teaching English Language Arts in the Hudson City School District in Hudson, New York, for nearly two decades. In 2013, she accepted a position as an editor.
Now a resident of Southeast Missouri, Adrienne is the author of an inspirational book entitled Push Your Way to Purpose: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You’re Meant to Be. Filled with stories from her own life, it provides tools to help people fulfill their purpose.
Adrienne is also the author of two illustrated books of humorous quotations and stories, #AuntAlma Unleashed: Old, Bold, and Out of Control and #AuntAlma: Raisin’ a Little Hell Heaven on Earth. Both are filled with common sense, comedy—and a little bit of crazy—straight from the mouth of her real-life aunt, Alma Ross.
Through Adrienne Ross Communications, Adrienne speaks at schools, churches, and national and international service organization conferences. She facilitates empowerment workshops and conducts seminars based on Push Your Way to Purpose. She also teaches courses via her online school, ARC Academy. The course she is currently offering at adriennerossacademy.com is for aspiring authors and is called “The 10 Surefire Steps to Writing Your Masterpiece,” and she is releasing a mini course soon called “3 Musts for All Great Writers.”
As a John Maxwell-certified speaker, trainer, and coach, Adrienne offers presentations, keynote addresses, and coaching, providing leadership training, inspiration, guidance, and accountability to groups and individuals. Visit her John Maxwell Team website here: http://johnmaxwellgroup.com/adrienneross.
Adrienne has written for politicians, public figures, newspapers, and websites. She is a former editorial board member and columnist at the Southeast Missourian newspaper. She now has her own column—My View, My Voice—at adriennerosscolumn.com, in which she continues to cover wide-ranging topics, including politics, faith, freedom, family, sports, and more. From A to Z, Adrienne is on it—provoking thought, challenging ideologies, and hitting nerves! To subscribe, scroll down to that section at adriennerosscom.com.
Adrienne is an ordained minister and is guided by her strong faith, which is the center of all she is, does, and desires to do. To take a look at her books and order them, go to Amazon or Barnes & Noble.